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000520_owner-lightwave-l _Sun Feb 26 17:49:27 1995.msg
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id IAA06345; Thu, 23 Feb 1995 08:38:48 -0800
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From: Mike Harlock <harlock@hentai.ranma.com>
Message-Id: <199502231638.IAA06929@hentai.ranma.com>
Subject: Re: Inside or Outside (The Quest for PAR)
To: jdavid@infinet.com (J. David Johnson)
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 08:38:24 -0800 (PST)
Cc: lightwave-l@netcom.com
In-Reply-To: <Pine.3.89.9502230601.A2335-0100000@rigel> from "J. David Johnson" at Feb 23, 95 07:00:00 am
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> Mike,
> Quite honestly you've just got too much in and on your A4000. You setup is
> nice, but is probably not good for any of the components you mentioned.
> Your absolute best alternative is to purchase a ToaterOven 4000.
> You then can place all the equipment you mentioned in one tall tower case.
> It's around $900 tho, but gives you 11 drive bays and a 300 watt power
> supply. There's also a ToasterOven six-pack thathas 6 drive bays, however,
> I do not know if it allows you to place your motherboard in it. (It may be
> a hard drive chassis) Which brings me to the AVEC tower. With it, you
> can place your CD-Rom, 1 gig drive and Kitchen Sync in it. Plus have room
> to place more drives later if needed.
Why is it that a regular tower case costs no more than $100 - 150, and this
tower case costs almost a thousand dollars? sigh.
Probably custom built in a limited number.
A thousand dollars can buy alot of things...like Lightwave 4.0...heh.
> Your power supply is really in jeopardy as it is well overloaded, the fan in
> a 4000 ps is a poor excuse for a fan, and unforunately is mounted on the
> inside of the machine and not next to the case... Sucks hot air onto the
> power supply.
Yea, you're right.
> If money isn't much an issue, go for the ToasterOven 4000. Everything in one
> case, and plenty of room for expansion, if you need even more slots later
> down the road, you can get the Big Ethyl Sisterboard, whicj replaces the
> measly 4 slot dauterboard with an 11 slot one. 2 video slots, and 8 more to
> play with! Hope this helps...
Yea, if money wasn't an issue, I'd also get a Betacam SP deck and an S-VHS
editor, so I wouldn't have to move thing thing around to dump animations,
then I could spread it out all I wanted. ;)
< \ harlock@ranma.stanford.edu - Mike Harlock
[\\\\\\(\ (:::<======================================-
\< > \ Practice Random Kindness
\\ / | And Senseless Acts of Beauty